The UN Says Nuclear War Is Back Within the Realm of Possibility
After several months of the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that the threat of nuclear war is once again a reality. The UN has urged both sides to end the conflict immediately and to refrain from escalating the conflict. The UN has been in close contact with several countries, and has discussed possible ways to stop the war.
Nuclear war is global suicide. The detonation of even a fraction of the nuclear weapons would cause massive firestorms and inject sun-blocking soot into the stratosphere, which has no way of washing away smoke. Smoke deposited in the stratosphere would cause major changes in temperature, precipitation, and sunlight, affecting crops and ocean life. In addition, scientists estimate that tens of millions would die immediately in a war zone, with hundreds of millions more dying of starvation all around the world.
The United States and Russia hold more than 90 percent of the world’s nuclear stockpile, so a nuclear war between those two countries could kill more than 5 billion people. The effects of such a war would be devastating to global food supplies and the environment. As a result, many people would go hungry, causing mass starvation.
Russian state television has been hyped about a new hypersonic missile. Apparently, it will target the Pentagon and other US targets. According to Russian state-run media, these targets would include the Pentagon, Fort Ritchie in Maryland, and McClellan Air Force Base in California. Those targets are strategically positioned far from major population centers, making them vulnerable to an attack.