The DoJ’s Injustice Threatens Our Basic Rights

On January 12, 2023, former Department of Justice FBI agent Nicole Parker wrote an opinion article for Fox News titled “Why I left the FBI” ( She recounts the decline of training standards, unethical and illegal behavior, and the brazen politicization of too many FBI agents.
On January 16, 2023, the Daily Wire wrote an article on the efforts of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Head of the House’s Judiciary Committee, to investigate the DoJ’s “weaponization” of its powers to unconstitutionally surveil U.S. citizens,“purge” out politically conservative DoJ agents, and remove agents from investigating child sex trafficking and place those agents into investigations against private and public conservative figures ( media/in-the-news/jim-jordan-gives-update-fbi-whistleblowers-teases-public-hearings). The article cites the “multitude” of FBI and other DoJ whistleblowers confirming the unconstitutionality and even illegality of leftists within the department determined to abuse their power to surveil, intimidate, seize property, interfere in elections, and even arrest individuals who, all evidence thus far indicates, never committed any crimes.
Attorney General Merrick Garland approved surveillance and intimidation tactics against the Loudoun County, Virginia parents who were rightfully angry at the “woke” agenda in their public schools. Garland outrageously designated these parents “domestic terrorists”. The Loudoun County school board and school officials enabled and attempted to cover up the rapes of two teenage girls in the girls’ lavatories by a teenage biological male claiming to be a trans girl. The school district shifted this rapist from one high school to another (where he raped a second teenage girl in the girls’ lavatory), which is no different than church leaders of various denominations who shifted sexual predator “pastors” from one parish to another. Yet Garland’s response? FBI counterterrorism agents were stationed around school board meetings and FBI helicopters flew overhead around the parents. Our tax dollars hard at work. No wonder conscientious DoJ FBI agents are speaking out against the injustices of the “Justice” Department.
I have witnessed firsthand the politicization and outright corruption of the DoJ. Starting in 2004 when I still lived in Connecticut, on the advice of a police officer who obtained an arrest warrant against my brother for harassing me, I reported to FBI agents clear evidence of federal cyber crimes and stalking crimes committed by my brother, a cult leader based in Georgia. I presented plenty of evidence of my brother’s crimes to FBI agents in Connecticut, Georgia, and yet again in Tennessee after we moved from Connecticut. At one point prior to our move to Tennessee, my husband and I traveled from Connecticut to Atlanta, Georgia in 2006 to meet with an assistant U.S. attorney to present increasingly more evidence of my brother’s serious federal crimes, only to be met with that assistant U.S. attorney slamming his fist down on the table and yelling at us, “Yes, he’s breaking the law, but we’re not going to put out the money to do anything about it!” A few years later we received the same response by yet another assistant U.S. attorney in New Haven, Connecticut after more incidents of my brother’s federal crimes against us.
On the advice of victim advocates we moved from Connecticut in 2013. A few years ago, one of our attorneys uncovered multiple email accounts presumably belonging to my cult leader brother, nine of which had variations of “kidsx” in the email account names. For the record, we yet again reported to the Tennessee FBI office these suspicious email accounts presumably belonging to my brother and urged them to investigate to confirm if these email accounts did truly belong to my brother and, if they did, find out if he was using them to commit child pornography crimes. True to form, the FBI refused to investigate.
For many years my husband and I have dutifully and repeatedly reported evidence of all the federal crimes we knew or reasonably suspected my brother committed. At one point my brother actually admitted to an FBI cyber crimes agent that he was indeed committing crimes, but the FBI still did not arrest him. Shortly thereafter my brother boasted online that with a single phone call to the FBI he was able to easily sic their agents on a peaceful pro-life rally in Atlanta, apparently falsely reporting that he had inside knowledge that they were planning a terrorist attack on Planned Parenthood. Some of the participants of this pro-life rally were victims of my brother’s cyber crimes. My brother gleefully posted photos online of the FBI “putting out the money” to unleash helicopters and agents on the scene against people who were not breaking any laws, all the while as the FBI consistently refused to enforce federal laws for all the actual crimes my brother kept committing. The loud and clear message the FBI gave to my brother by refusing to enforce the law? Go ahead — stalk, terrorize, and commit as many crimes as you want to against innocent victims.
If you’re an anarchist who burns city streets, businesses, and federal buildings, or if you’re a pro-choice activist who vandalizes churches and pro-life pregnancy resource centers and threatens staff members at those centers and churches, you are pretty much guaranteed protection against arrest for those crimes. As former FBI agent Nicole Parker recalls, you can expect a disturbing number of FBI agents to take a knee for your cause. But if you are a religious or political conservative, or a libertarian who leans just a bit too much right of center, don’t be surprised if you come under the wrath of the FBI’s authoritarian tactics.
Will our legislators and our courts ever hold accountable those responsible in the DoJ for abusing their power, violating our rights, and destroying the foundational principles of our constitutional form of government? Time will tell. In the meantime, we need to keep speaking out against the DoJ’s injustices.
Paulette J. Buchanan is a former educator and college professor. In 2020 she spoke on Cults and the Law at the International Cultic Studies Association/University of Tennessee’s Nashville conference. In 2019 she spoke on Legislative Action at ICSA’s Santa Fe conference.
Buchanan’s book Fighting for Justice: Religious Fraud, Mental Illness, and the Collapse of Law
& Order describes her lifetime of abuse caused by her four older brothers, including their weaponization of the court system to file meritless lawsuits against her and many others. She finally obtained long overdue judgments and injunctions to put a stop to their lawsuits.
For more information and to purchase Paulette J. Buchanan’s book, Fighting for Justice: Religious Fraud, Mental Illness, and the Collapse of Law & Order, please visit her website, or order her book on Amazon