Contribute to Joy in the World Through Love

We long for love, pray for it, die for it, live for it, and feel deep happiness or pain over it. Would anyone doubt that when our hearts are full of love that we’re happy? And at the same time, that connection, that relationship can be a source of hurt and disappointment. How does that happen?
If you’re becoming a student of positive living, know that what is happening inside you is far more important than what’s happening outside, here in life. You can’t control outer circumstances or other people, lawyers, or court calendars, but you can train your mind to see clearly with an open heart, even in the face of pain.
In Abraham Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs, after our survival needs are met, the need to belong becomes our next priority. The need to belong is part of our nature. The connection with others is one of the most important sources of joy. Even Buddha said that having good friends is the Whole W-H-O-L-E of the Holy life. Isolation and disconnection are very common everywhere we look. We live in a world filled with potential connections and relationships of all kinds. Take a chance and begin the next opportunity to turn a stranger into a friend with love.
Rev. Dr. Mary Mitchell is a retired corporate manager who has been teaching the philosophy of positive living for over thirty years. It’s about regaining inner peace and happiness by using the creative process of how our mind works. In her prison ministry, she not only helps prisoners adjust to life behind bars, but when they spend 23 hours a day for weeks or months in “the hole,” a 7’x9’ room. So, join her and learn about this philosophy of positive living and how it can enhance and enrich your life. Her website is
Rev. Dr. Mary Mitchell is a regular contributor on the Priceof digital platforms. Enjoy her articles and commentaries!