My Personal Struggle with Tim Ferriss’s New Rich Approach

Kevin Price, Host of the Nationally Syndicated Price of Business show and Editor at Large of USA Daily Standard, remembers his struggles with Tim Ferriss’s unique approach to wealth and freedom. This is an excerpt from that book that discusses. Read the book in its entirety with special pricing here.
Excerpt of “Making ‘New Rich’ Books Work for You” by Kevin Price:
I will say that from the very beginning I have had issues with Ferriss. As a radio host, I rarely buy books. Instead, I request them and they are sent overnight (often autographed). I didn’t have any of that from Ferriss. I sent emails and immediately received an auto-response–a very important part of his strategy–to expect slow communications. They weren’t joking. When communications did come, probably from a virtual assistant in the Philippines (these are very important also for those pursuing the path of the New Rich), it seemed disjointed and even begged the question, what are they writing about? Finally, I was told that the publisher did not provide enough books to send me one, and the author would be unavailable to do an interview. I found this shocking.
“Not doing interviews for a new book?” I asked. “Why is that?” Well, if “he did one for you, he would have to do it for everyone. How could he maintain a four hour work week if he did that?”
At least he had his principles, I thought, but that was about all. Clearly, you have to be in a position where you don’t need money in order to be able to make this program work, I cynically thought. Many years later, I realized this disconcerting effort to learn more about Ferriss and to interview him was part of his genius and how it worked perfectly with his goal of the four hour work week.
As I wrote earlier, I first got serious exposure to the ideas of the New Rich almost 20 years ago, in the late 1990s. But it took many more years before I began to implement the principles at all. And I have only recently done it on a large scale. I am convinced that passion is required in order to fully implement these principles. In fact, I have come to believe that for many there is a necessity of “hitting rock bottom” at one’s job (similar to the addict with his drugs) in order to become enthusiastic enough to successfully achieve a New Rich lifestyle. That was certainly the case for me. It means saying “no” to more income that is harder to earn and saying “yes” to a more realistic income that requires very little human action. Or, at least, not my own human action. This book will…
Get Kevin Price’s Book, “Making New Rich Books Work for You”, Which Has Special Pricing.