Fifty Year Impact Title IX Has Had on Sports and Women
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Title IX federal civil rights law for sports, which was passed in 1972. The law was intended to ensure equal access and treatment for all sexes in all aspects of athletics and education. While much of the guidance for Title IX focuses on sexual misconduct, its history extends far beyond this. In honor of this milestone, Sports Illustrated has compiled a list of the 50 most influential sports figures in the history of Title IX. And in honor of the law’s 50th anniversary, ESPN has a special series, “Fifty/50.”
Law professor Deborah Brake examines Title IX through the lens of feminist theory to explain, defend, and critique its implementation. While Title IX has made incredible strides for women in athletics, it has also failed to address disparities in funding and social bonds. The exhibition shows that Title IX can only be part of the solution to gender disparities in sports, but it can still make a difference for women’s sports.
Title IX is an important piece of American history. It aims to eliminate sexual discrimination in education, and it is one of the few laws to prohibit such discrimination. However, it has not completely eliminated gender discrimination, and many colleges have fallen short of these requirements. However, as people ccelebrate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, we should remember that it continues to have an impact on all areas of American life.