What Albert Einstein Knew about Your Business Today

Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Gitte Madelaire to provide another commentary in a series.
The Gitte Madelaire Commentaries
Welcome to the second article in the series “Be the Leader You Aspire to Be” here on The Price of Business Show, where I will focus on the trends which lie ahead of us, which consequences they have and how they will affect businesses. The articles are based on my book Energetic Leadership, which talks about 9 trends leaders must navigate to cater for the employees increasing demand for more spiritual leadership and sustainable business models aligned with their life purposes. These articles are about business leadership in the new era. I hope you will find inspiration for your own leadership and the leader you aspire to be.
The first article outlined 9 trends for business leadership and focused on one key competency to master which is to be authentic curious as a leader to navigate our endless crises.
Authentic curiosity is important when we dive into the future trend From Industrial to Planetary. We are in a period in evolution where the industrial era is being replaced by a more human and holistic era. The new era is a fundamental and value-based shift in our industrial society, which paints a picture of a new way of doing business, a new way of being leader and a new way of being a participant in society.
Industrialization has focused on efficiency and maximum output, almost at any cost – even if we had to create a need for what we were good at producing cheaper or better.
According to leading futurologists, the ongoing fourth industrial revolution will not be replaced by a fifth but by a more holistic and value-based revolution, that is why business leaders must adjust.
In the new holistic era one word is worth noticing and that is the word energy. Energy is vital for two reasons. We must learn to get sustainable energy for our lives and businesses and develop ways to store our renewable energy.
But energy as something we are as human beings, that we are energy frequencies, is new to us. It is not new as in new, but it is new to our awareness and understanding of who we are and how we function. Primarily because we have forgotten and been taught that using all our senses when playing our authentic curiosity card did not fit into the industrial efficiency era.
We have put a lid on half of what it is to be human and now we have had enough – life, work and the whole society have become a pressure cooker. We do not thrive. We are ill psychically, mentally even spiritually. Humans are beginning to say stop in various ways by reclaiming their own power. The energetic power we have always had and are born with. The lid of the pressure cooker is coming of, and we see it in the great, quiet and loud resignations and the way that old leadership do not understand the younger and much more energy conscious generations.
The new understanding of energy and people as energy beings creates enormous potential for humans and businesses to be innovative through enhancing our consciousness if we dare to surrender to what scientists like Albert Einstein have already told us over 100 years ago – that everything is energy.
Learning to gain back our energy consciousness is a lifelong journey that takes time and practice. This is what the new era is about. We now want to shift our Energetic Leadership from being degenerative to be regenerative. We do that by aligning our mind, body and heart. We need to quiet our mind and ultimately our nervous system in order takes the pressure off our inner and outer system. It is done by a heart in trust that makes way for our intuition and creativity to blossom which is so much needed. We will realize that we can heal ourselves, businesses and societies.
Two American economists who were energetic and foresightful in their work and better at it than their colleagues around the world, are the two star economists Lawrence Summers and Olivier Jean Blanchard. They managed to predict the inflation crisis in 2021 not just on models and data but also by looking out the window and using their common sense, intuition and foresight.
The future will be energy focused because we are multidimensional humans who must regain our power. Energy frequencies are both our medicine and the way to future growth.
I wish you the best in letting your energy awareness lead you and the business to abundance.
Gitte Madelaire is an intuitive and visionary pioneer in leadership development. People, customers, business development, and futurism have always interested and motivated her. With a background in corporate business at companies such as Fona/HMW, Codan Insurance, Volvo Trucks and Ensure, she now inspires to new leadership through her book,” Energetic Leadership”, keynotes, facilitation and mentoring for leaders in her company Bronte ApS. Gitte holds a BSc in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School and an MBA semester from the University of Victoria. She also has traditional leadership courses and certifications in intuitive and feminine future leadership, inner sustainability, and energy-based leadership. Gitte has lived in London, Sydney, and Kuala Lumpur and currently resides in Denmark.
Learn more at www.energeticleadership.eu.
Connect with Gitte Madelaire on social media:
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